The City of Oakland provides a List of approved Street Trees
Most of the below links go to the Tree Selection profile at CalPoly's SelecTree website.
*External links are not intended to be endorsements of any product, service, or advertisement and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of content found at any website link.
Please note that we work WITH the City of Oakland but are not a part of the official City of Oakland's Tree Services Division.
Trees for Medium Wells:
Trees for Large Wells:
Trees for Extra-Large Wells:
The list of approved street-trees also includes a category for Small Wells (well min. 2'x3') ...
Trees for Small Wells:
Acer buergerianum
Trident Maple
Eastern Redbud
Chinese Fringe Tree
Toyon or Christmas Berry
Hybrid Crape Myrtle – ‘Muskogee’, ‘Natchez’, or ‘Tuscarora’
Fraser Photinia
Double-Pink-Flowering Plum
Purple-Leaf Plum
Evergreen Pear
African Sumac
Water Gum
There is one more entry on Oakland's list that is a special case:
Magnolia grandiflora 'St. Mary' or 'Little Gem'
Southern Magnolia (smaller varieties)
Trident Maple
- Deciduous
- Small stature (25' x 25')
- Flowers: Inconspicuous
- Should be pruned each year in its first few years to promote good form
Eastern Redbud
- Deciduous
- Small stature (25' x 25')
- Flowers: Showy Pink/Rose
- Some varieties are available with white flowers ('Alba') or purple leaves ('Forest Pansy')
- Unreliable and often very slow-growing in Oakland, especially in the flatlands
Chinese Fringe Tree
- Deciduous
- Small stature (15'-20' X 10')
- Flowers: Showy, Fragrant White
- Limited use on a trial basis
Toyon or Christmas Berry
- Evergreen
- Small stature (20' x 15')
- Flowers: Showy White
- Fruit: Showy Red, berries
- California native
- Limited use on a trial basis
- We have not found a nursery offering single-trunk "standard-form" specimens, as would be required for streetside planting.
Hybrid Crape Myrtle – ‘Muskogee’, ‘Natchez’, or ‘Tuscarora’
- Deciduous
- Small stature (25' x 20')
- Flowers: Showy Lavender ('Muskogee'), White ('Natchez'), or Pink ('Tuscarora')
- These varieties are best for Oakland because they resist powdery mildew
- Deciduous
- Small to Medium stature (20'-30' x 20'-30')
- Flowers: Showy Red
Fraser Photinia
- Evergreen
- Small stature (20' x 15')
- Leaves: bright red at first, maturing to dark green
- Flowers: Showy White
Double-Pink-Flowering Plum
- Deciduous
- Small stature (20' x 20')
- Leaves: dark purple-red, usually with green tints
- Flowers: Showy Pink
- This species sometimes experiences an aphid infestation in the first year or two.
Purple-Leaf Plum
- Deciduous
- Small stature (20'-30' x 15'-20')
- Leaves: dark purple-red
- Flowers: Showy Pink
- Fruit: Sometimes none, sometimes small edible plums
Evergreen Pear
- Evergreen
- Small stature (15'-30' x 15'-30')
- We recommend not planting this species at all, because of the high risk of fireblight.
African Sumac
- Evergreen
- Small stature (20' x 20')
- Flowers: Inconspicuous
- Fruit: On female trees, pea-sized berries in clusters that dry to tan-brown and then fall. Male trees do not bear fruit. Nurseries sell only seedling trees, so you take a chance on each tree being male or female.
- Grows very vigorously; should be pruned every year in its first few years to promote good form
Water Gum
- Evergreen
- Small stature (25' x 20')
- Flowers: Showy, Fragrant Yellow
There is one more entry on Oakland's list that is a special case:
Magnolia grandiflora 'St. Mary' or 'Little Gem'
Southern Magnolia (smaller varieties)
- Evergreen
- Small stature (20'-25' x 10'-15')
- Flowers: Showy White, Fragrant
- Not good for high-traffic or busy pedestrian areas. Slow-growing and small when first planted, vulnerable to vandalism or accidental damage for a few years after planting.
- Less drought-tolerant than other species on this list
- Southern magnolias have relatively aggressive roots, so Oakland requires planting them in a "Medium" space (min. 3'x6' or 4'x4'), even though they will be small-stature when mature.
The City of Oakland's size categories for trees depend on the size of the available tree well.
Note that the required size of the well does not necessarily correspond to the size of the tree. The revised species list in April 2017 includes a separate category for the height or stature of each species.
- Small: Minimum 2'x3', or a continuous strip 2' wide, and all locations with overhead high-voltage wires. (On a case-by-case basis, the City staff have accepted as "official" some taller species under high-voltage wires that are more than 35' above the sidewalk.)
- Medium: Minimum 3'x6' or 4’x4', or a continuous strip 3' wide.
- Large: Minimum 4'x6' or 5'x5', or a continuous strip 4' wide.
- Extra-Large: Minimum 6'x8', or a continuous strip 6' wide.