In addition to the species of street-trees approved by the City of Oakland, the following species of trees were allowed for planting on private property, parks, and schools, using our grant from CAL FIRE.
They meet the requirements of growing to at least 25 feet tall at maturity, not requiring excessive water or maintenance, and not being invasive.
They are not on the list of approved street-trees for various reasons, such as fruit/nuts, a tendency for a low-branching form that isn't appropriate for planting along streets and sidewalks... or sometimes just not enough of a track record specifically in Oakland, despite good results in other Bay-Area cities.

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Acer saccharum
Sugar Maple
Peppermint Tree
Heritage River Birch
Incense Cedar
Blue Atlas Cedar
Deodar Cedar
Common Hackberry
Chorisia (Ceiba) speciosa
Floss Silk Tree
Camphor Tree
Turkish Hazel
Japanese Persimmon Fagus sylvatica European Beech
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Northern California Black Walnut
Primrose Tree
Mexican Avocado
Pinus canariensis
Canary Island Pine
Mondell Pine or Afghan Pine
Aleppo Pine
Italian Stone Pine
Fremont Cottonwood
Yoshino Flowering Cherry
Canyon Live Oak
Nuttall Oak or Texas Oak
Taxodium distichum
Bald Cypress
Greenstone Elm
Pioneer Elm
California Laurel or California Bay
Sawleaf Zelkova